Fruits/Vegetables only applicable for a refund if:
Vegetables/Fruits get damaged during Transit. If the received product is damaged then kindly send the picture on WhatsApp number 7379733666or email us on along with the order number.
A refund amount will be added in your wallet which can be used in the next order.
If you are not satisfied with your order, please co-ordinate on our WhatsApp number 7379733666.
Your refund amount will be added to your wallet which can be usable in the next order.
We cannot refund or replace it if the taste is not up to your expectations.
Missing items:
If any product is missing then please let us know on Whatsapp number 7379733666 if your item is missing or removed due to quality issues from the order. We will add the equivalent amount of missing order in your wallet.
Cancellation of order:
In case you would like to cancel your order before the delivery day then no cancellation Fees will be charged. Canceling your order after 10 Pm prior to the delivery day 50% amount will be deducted from the total value of the Order.